Lemayian Journey

Kenya 2025

TRIP 1 | January 25 - February 6

TRIP 2 | January 30 - February 11

Join us for a Transformational Journey to Kenya

Compassion and community have always been central components of the Brighton Jones way of helping people live richer lives. We would like to personally invite you to join us on our 2025 Kenya experience, where we will introduce you to remarkable organizations in Kenya that exemplify compassion in their communities.

Our family was first introduced to the beauty of Kenya in 2013. While on a year-long sabbatical, we we’re connected to three remarkable organizations by the Longbrake Family, clients of Brighton Jones who started Lift Up Africa to provide a channel for donating from the US to nonprofits in Kenya.

We were moved by these local leaders who were doing all they could to improve the lives of vulnerable families in their communities through educational access, food, healthcare, and vocational training. It was life-changing for us to see the need and this incredible grassroots work up close and this trip became a catalyst for us to expand our giving outside of the US. Our relationship with Kenya and our connection with the nonprofit organizations we hold dear has continued to grow and deepen. Since 2013, the Brighton Jones community has been committed advocates and a source of support, eventually absorbing the work of Lift Up Africa into Brighton Jones’s Richer Life Foundation.

Although we have traveled with many groups, each trip is a unique experience and transformational for those who embrace all that this trip offers. In addition to a personalized wildlife safari on the Maasai Mara and a few days of respite on the beautiful Kenyan coast, we learn from our Brighton Jones Kenyan partners the real and very tangible impact of philanthropy. Whether you are walking through an urban informal settlement in Mukuru hearing from a mother about the challenges of breaking the cycle of poverty, helping make a traditional meal for more than 3,000 hungry school kids at Ruben Centre, talking to a young woman about her dreams of education at HELGA, or holding your breath as a lion glides by just inches from your safari vehicle, this experience is bound to change you.

We would love for you to join us in January 2025 as we bring a group of Brighton Jones clients to experience an African safari and meet the children, educators, visionaries and problem solvers of Kenya.


Jon and Gretchen Jones

Richer Life Foundation Board Members